Starting my travels!

Well the time has come around so quickly, and I’m currently in Bangkok! Ready to start traveling around South East Asia!!!

If you look back through a few of my posts I’ve been going on about it for ages, and I’m so excited it’s finally here!!

I packed the day before (mistake!!!) and believe me I PACKED! A girl going travelling for two/three months who loves fashion? A whole lot of cramming!

I did it quite well actually, and it’s all nearly rolled and tucked in together, it’s just so heavy! I’m telling myself that it’s just all my cosmetics and it’ll be so much lighter when I run out….. Hmm..

We flew with Qatar Airways and the service was amazing! Just the long haul flight I’m just not good with! Then to our absolute dispair we reached Qatar thinking we had a 2 hour layover, as we were told by the travel agents, only to realise we had to wait 9 hours till 7 in the morning! It was horrific. Me and my boyfriend actually started doing laps of the airport to pass time.

But we’re here now, it’s currently 4am and I’m not used to the time difference and I’m wide awake! I can’t wait to start exploring and start my first day off tomorrow!

Can’t wait to see all the market stalls, and all the new fashion. Make sure to keep you all updated!!

Good night from Bangkok!